Monthly Archive: April 2015


A story to tell….

Yesterday, one of my colleagues at work said she wants to write a book. That excited me. To be honest, as a writer, I do get people saying that quite a lot. We all...


Everything happens……

So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife. When he made love to her, the Lord enabled her to conceive, and she gave birth to a son. The women said to Naomi: “Praise...


All in good time……

Sorry to have left you hanging over the weekend…….the suspense has been building, right? We left Ruth in the hands of Boaz. He was about to decide her fate – and by association, the...


Hidden Lives 5: I will survive

Leader: What do you hope to be when you grow up? That was probably an easier question to answer when you were younger. When you were five, maybe you wanted to be a ballerina,...


Hidden Lives 4: Treasured Possessions

In the exhibition ‘Hidden Lives’ that took place at St Pancras International in January 2013, alongside the portrait of each urban refugee, there was a photograph of the individual’s most treasured possession.  Leader: ‘Oh,...