The Letter to the Hebrews: Conclusion
So here we are. We’ve reached the end of our study of the Letter to the Hebrews by reaching the end of my essay on this book of the Bible that I wrote in...
Andy and Helen’s Journey Through The Bible in Five and Half Years
So here we are. We’ve reached the end of our study of the Letter to the Hebrews by reaching the end of my essay on this book of the Bible that I wrote in...
A couple of days ago, we compiled a list of action points inspired by Hebrews 12. And guess what? There’s more! Hebrews 13, the last chapter of the Letter to the Hebrews is packed...
The last couple of days, we’ve been talking about living theology – how the study of God transforms our daily lives. Let’s take a closer look at Hebrews 12 and 13 to see what...
In this series, I’ve been basing these posts on an essay I wrote 11 years ago. And the appendices. In fact, there is more in the appendices than in the actual essay! So here...
Living Theology: now that’s a phrase I embrace! Put simply, theology is the study of God and to my mind, what use is the study of God without application? To me, studying God should...
Through his perfect obedience and perfect sacrifice, Jesus took away fear and sin, the two things that ultimately prevent access to God. This was not only true for the people at that time. The...
Yesterday we looked at those four radical words ‘Let us draw near’ and today I want to offer you the Appendix from my essay on this idea. This contains content which actually precedes what...
I imagine you’re getting a sense right now of the passion I have for the Letter to the Hebrews. The four words that we are going to explore today are, in my opinion, four...
A better sacrifice Offering sacrifices to the gods/God is an alien practice to us in the modern world. Civilisation has moved on. Sacrificing animals, or children in some cases, seems barbaric to us now....
A better reality Ready for something a little mind-bending this morning? This reality that each one of us finds ourselves in today is not the reality that God intended for the human race when...