Author: Helen Redfern


And then comes the storm

To recap yesterday’s post, Journeying with Jonah through Easter Week, God speaks God reaches out in love and mercy man runs away That man is Jonah, but it could equally be you or me...


Welcome to Obadiah!

Today we start to look at the book of Obadiah, the shortest book in the Old Testament. But don’t let that fool you – this book is a massive challenge! Every book of the...


Nowhere to hide

There is nowhere to hide from God. For God is everywhere. God is in everything. God created all things. There is nowhere to hide from God. Though they dig down to the depths below,...


When the time is right…

This is what the Sovereign Lord showed me: a basket of ripe fruit. ‘What do you see, Amos?’ he asked. ‘A basket of ripe fruit,’ I answered. Then the Lord said to me, ‘The...


No way can I stop now

Amos 7 is a chapter packed with doom and gloom. Amos sees a vision of a devastating swarm of locusts and begs for mercy. I cried out, ‘Sovereign Lord, forgive! How can Jacob survive?...