Ten excuses not to go out tonight
Writing this post at a different time of day to normal. And in a different place. On a Friday afternoon train. When I would rather be snoozing. With the sounds of snoring and a...
Andy and Helen’s Journey Through The Bible in Five and Half Years
Writing this post at a different time of day to normal. And in a different place. On a Friday afternoon train. When I would rather be snoozing. With the sounds of snoring and a...
Amongst the 31 proverbs of Proverbs 21, there are a few that stand out to me today. Firstly, there are some that all point to the same truth – that it’s what’s going on...
There are 30 more proverbs in Proverbs 20 – some covering the same ground we have covered before and others covering new ground. Such as this gem – Wine makes you mean, beer makes...
As I read through Proverbs 17, I’m struck by one thing. The question that my Dad asked me on a regular basis – What are you teaching your children? This collection of 28 proverbs...
Grey hair is a mark of distinction, the award for a God-loyal life. Proverbs 16:31 We’ll start here today, shall we? This verse jumped out at me on my first read through this chapter....
Another 33 proverbs here in Proverbs 15. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. The clue’s in the name of the book, I guess. So let’s today pick out first what we can learn about...
Proverbs 14 contains 35 more stand alone proverbs, so to keep it fresh, today I am going to pick my top 3 from this chapter and comment on them a bit more fully. 1. Cynics...
I feel like Proverbs 13 is covering some of the same ground as spelt out in the last few chapters, so let’s come at this a bit differently. Let’s gather all that is said...