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Time to find your voice

Hey, I’m back! New year, new month, new book of the Bible! We’ve arrived at the book of Joel. Joel. That’s one of those names that’s endured. It’s a popular boy’s name even now...


One long love story

The Bible is not a collection of individual, random stories. The Bible tells one long story, the never-ending story, and the thread running through the whole story is God’s forever love. Despite this perfect...


Forever love

Hosea 11 is a tender image of God’s love for His people. The image of a father and his child. The father whose heart is irrevocably changed that first time he is handed that...


So tell me: am I weird?

When Andy and I were at university together, one of the books that had the greatest impact on our lives was ‘Letters for Auntie Flo’ by Graham Young. It was all about living life...


Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind

If you’ve been walking with us on this journey though the Bible, you’ll know the history of God’s people. How He rescued them from Egypt and how in their stubbornness, they rebelled against Him...


Love as I have loved

Hosea Chapter 3 is short. Only five verses. And yet the story it contains is immense. There are no details, no descriptions, no elaboration. The truths here are stark and hard to understand on...


A change in relationship

As we continue on through Hosea chapter 2, we see how God has a vision of the relationship between Himself and His people changing. Maybe at first it was like an arranged marriage. Promises...