Category: Tough Questions


A language for pain

Job has had it tough. Really tough. He’s lost his children and all of his livestock. He’s covered in a horrific skin disease. And no, he hasn’t turned his back on God or blamed...


God gives, God takes.

First day of the month, first chapter of a new book. The book of Job. Which is actually a very old book. Possibly the oldest book in this whole library that we call the...


When we are bewildered……..

The king and Haman sat down to drink, but the city of Susa was bewildered.  Esther 3:15 That’s the very last sentence of Esther 3. The people of Susa are bewildered. And who can...


Acting with integrity

Meanwhile…….. During the time Mordecai was sitting at the king’s gate, Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king’s officers who guarded the doorway, became angry and conspired to assassinate King Xerxes. But Mordecai found...


So what is beauty anyway?

It’s entirely subjective, right? Beauty, that is. This saying’s been around since the 3rd century in Greece and has been explored in poetry and literature and film and art ever since. And life. And...


Valuing humanity over beauty

This is what happened during the time of Xerxes, the Xerxes who ruled over 127 provinces stretching from India to Cush: at that time King Xerxes reigned from his royal throne in the citadel...


So what is the point of prayer?

So over the last few days, we’ve looked at some natural responses to bad news. Why? Because we’re looking at the book of Nehemiah and in Nehemiah chapter 1, he receives some really bad...